The Impact of Being an Introvert in Friendships

Being an introvert can be tough. Whether it's in school, work, or a friendship group, you may find yourself feeling like the odd one out.

What if I told you that there are some benefits to being an introvert? Well, here they are!

In this post, we'll explore how introverts have certain advantages over extroverts and why making friends as an introvert is so much easier than for their counterparts if we put some effort into it and stop hiding behind our introversion as an excuse.

1. Introverts have a tendency to think before they speak

Introverts tend to think before they speak. They also take time and care with the words that come out of their mouth.

And this can make them great listeners, which is something all good friends need!

Imagine how much more you'll know about your friend if you're an introvert?

We don't just listen for content, but we pay attention to tone and body language as well.

We try not to interrupt others or talk over them because everyone must have room for self-expression and social growth in conversation--even people who are quieter than us!

This leads me into my next point...

There may be times when introverts feel like extroverts seem shallow or exhausting (too loud, too busy, etc.).

But those same extroverts may feel the opposite when they are around introverts.

Extroverted people often need to talk about themselves constantly--to put themselves out there and get social validation from others.

Not only is this exhausting for them but it can be difficult for an introvert who has nothing to say on that topic!

So while some of us might seem antisocial at first glance, we're just taking a breather or getting our energy levels back up before joining another conversation with someone else in their own way.

2. Introversion is not the same as being shy or anxious

Introversion is not the same as being shy or anxious. Introverts tend to be a bit more of an introspective lot and we think about how people see us in our interactions with them - for example, if someone talks too much then they may feel that their personality is dominating the conversation which can make it difficult to participate!

We also want friendships where both parties are invested because there's nothing worse than feeling like you're on autopilot when talking to your friend.

If either party becomes tired emotionally or otherwise during conversations, this could cause feelings of anxiety or loneliness which will have an impact on relationships, including those among friends.

This doesn't mean that introverts don't enjoy socializing but rather that sometimes we need to take a break to recharge.

The best thing about being an introvert is that we are very selective with those who enter our inner circle of friends.

We have more time for ourselves and what's most important to us, so it becomes easier for us to make the right decisions in life when surrounded by like-minded individuals rather than people whose interests differ from ours.

3. Making friends as an introvert can be much easier than for their counterparts

Many introverts also believe that making friends as an introvert can be much easier than for their counterparts. It's not always easy to create a sense of community when you're the only one who is constantly on your phone or talking about things nobody else cares about!

But sometimes, it just takes time and patience to find someone with whom we share commonalities--someone whose company makes us feel energized rather than drained.

We may need to take more initiative in order to make new connections because many extroverts (who are often very social) would never think they have anything in common with us unless we made the first move!

This means no interrupting people at parties, waiting patiently for our turn during conversations without becoming frustrated, or making excuses to leave when people become too loud or overwhelming.

And if we're going out with friends, it's important that they are mindful of our introverted needs and make sure not to monopolize the conversation!

We want a sense of community where everyone has an equal voice--whether quiet or boisterous--so that each person in the group can feel valued, respected, understood, and loved.

4. When it comes down to it, we all want someone who will listen and understand us

When it comes down to it, we all want someone who will listen and understand us.

Introverts have a lot of thoughts running through our heads about the world around us or what people are thinking of us--it's just more exhausting for an introvert to present those thoughts than for an extrovert because we're so inward-focused!

What is most important when looking for friends is that they put in as much effort into the relationship as you do--which means listening and understanding your needs without judgment.

Just like with any other personality type, there are going to be differing opinions on how relationships work; but if both parties respect each other then that can go a long way towards strengthening bonds between friends.

The best thing about being an introvert is that we have a lot of time to think about our friendships and how they are going because, as much as it might sound boring on the surface, introverts can really appreciate deep conversations with close friends who know them well.

We want to be able to share what's important in life with people who care for us--not just anyone!

If you're an introvert, it can be difficult to make friends. It's important that your new friend is committed and willing to put in the same amount of effort as you do--this means listening and understanding each other without judgment!

The best thing about being an introvert is that we can take the time to enjoy deep conversations with close friends who know us well.

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